Adi & Jennifer Grocott

with Anna & Luca

It is our desire to encourage and equip local Christians to share the gospel of Jesus with the children of Romania, so that all children through every part of Romania get to hear and respond to Jesus.

Although we grew up on opposite sides of the earth, God in His unique way, brought us together when we met while serving in a ministry team in Timisoara, Romania between 2003-2010. Adi (Romanian) was primarily ministering to street kids, whilst Jennifer (Australian) was serving disabled children and adults. After getting married in 2008 in Romania, we felt God calling us to be involved in children’s ministry together. We were encouraged to pursue formal theological training so in 2011 we moved to Sydney to study at Sydney Missionary and Bible College. During our time in Australia we were also been blessed with two precious children of our own – Anna and Luca.

From our personal experience, we saw that whilst Protestant Christians were keen to have children as a part of their church, many lacked the training and resources needed to effectively reach children in their communities with the gospel. We also saw that in many places children were only taught a moral gospel of being ‘good boys and girls’, and so we were struck with the need to encourage and equip local Christians to teach children how to become followers of the Lord Jesus and grow in their faith.

It is our desire to encourage and equip local Christians to share the gospel of Jesus with the children of Romania, so that all children through every part of Romania get to hear and respond to Jesus. Whilst we will be based in the western part of Romania in Timisoara, we pray that our ministry will extend to other parts of Romania, especially rural and village communities where access to training and resources for children’s ministry can be very limited. We will partner with existing children’s workers and ministries using our gifts, skills and training. Our desire is to encourage and equip new workers ministering to children in areas that have yet to be reached.

First Culture Worker (Adi) & Cross Cultural Worker in Romania (Jennifer)
Country of origin
Romania (Adi) & Australia (Jennifer)

With ECM since 2017

Grocott Family